Sound Shapes (Vita & PS3)

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Sound Shapes PS3 & Vita Review: Fun Takes ShapeSound Shapes PS3 & Vita Review: Fun Takes Shape

Sound Shapes PS3 & Vita Review: Fun Takes Shape


Queasy Games’ Sound Shapes is a cross-buy PS3/Vita
platformer with a twist. You control a blob-like entity that travels from
screen to screen collecting notes. As you collect more notes, a song begins to take shape
and fill out. Sound Shapes boasts a plethora of original tracks composed by
Deadmau5, Beck, Jim Guthrie (Swords & Sworcery), Shaw-Han Liem (I Am Robot
and Proud), and Jonathan Mak (Queasy Games).

There are plenty of created levels
awaiting you upon boot up, but considering the main “story” last just over 2
hours, there is also a robust level creation editor so you can get right into
making your very own music. From the online menu, you can check out other
players’ user created content. There is also a beat school for your easy access
to trophies simultaneously teaching you how to build levels as well as challenge
maps, though those can be rather difficult and less fun.

I preferred the Vita’s touch pads over the DualShock for the level editor since sizing objects is just more natural with your fingers.

The Vita version is just as enjoyable as its larger
counterpart with all of the same levels and on top of that, you can double up
on your trophies since their trophy lists do not talk to one another. Two games
for $14.99 is a steal for the value. I preferred the Vita’s touch pads over
the DualShock for the level editor since sizing objects is just more natural
with your fingers.

 My only issue with the game that I came across was the extremely hit-and-miss jump controls which can be an issue when all my character can do is jump. Other than my minor gripes, Sounds Shapes has been entertaining from start to finish and I highly recommend you “Buy It”.


 -Bruise -Bruise



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