Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Review: Neon AwesomenessFar Cry 3: Blood Dragon Review: Neon Awesomeness

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Review: Neon Awesomeness

The year is 2007 and the world has been laid to waste by a
nuclear war between the United States and Russia. Only one man can save the
world from the annihilation from the evil Sloan. His name is Rex Power Colt.

This awesome standalone download is full of terrible jokes, 80’s action movie
references, montages, and an awkward scene that we won’t spoil here but it’s
ridiculous; and we love it. My biggest gripe is the color overlay chosen which
is full of purple, red, and other neon colors which at times can make
visibility more difficult than it should be.

The soundtrack has to be one of the best ever made

Players fight giant Komodo
Dragons that shoot lasers from their mouths, and the callbacks to the 80’s movie classic, Predator made this game well
worth the $14.99 ticket price. The soundtrack has to be one of the best ever
made with a mixture of synth and triumphant 80’s digital drums provided by the
group Power Glove  as well as a couple of licensed
tracks that have impeccable timing when they’re introduced. Listen below for a
taste. Oh, and Michael Biehn (Aliens, Terminator) portrays Colt which is more
perfect than words can describe.


 -Bruise -Bruise



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